BeautyClinic Global located in The Hague and registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 76718255. Client: the natural person and client aged 18 years or older with whom BeautyClinic Global enters into a cosmetic / medical treatment agreement. Cosmetic / Medical care: the performance of examinations, examinations, treatments, interventions on the client, the prescription, provision and/or administration of medication, (dietary) nutrition for the benefit of the client, or the provision of any other service including the provision of advice to the client. Agreement: the agreement whereby BeautyClinic Global undertakes vis-à-vis the client to perform cosmetic or medical treatments directly related to the client. We hereby commit ourselves to a best efforts obligation, not a result obligation.
These terms and conditions apply to all agreements between BeautyClinic Global and the client unless explicitly agreed otherwise in writing. Notwithstanding the provisions of Articles 7:404 and 7:407 (2) of the Dutch Civil Code, assignments to one or more individual doctors/practitioners and/or employees are deemed to be exclusively given to BeautyClinic Global.
An agreement is only concluded by the client signing a (written) treatment agreement offered by BeautyClinic Global. BeautyClinic Global will quote the costs involved in the treatment prior to the conclusion of the agreement. The costs of continued treatment, aftercare, etc. are not included, unless otherwise stated or BeautyClinic Global’s duty of care dictates otherwise. By signing the agreement, the client agrees and undertakes to pay the cost of the treatment. BeautyClinic Global has the right to refuse care subject to legal and/or behavioral and/or disciplinary regulations. The client is at all times obliged to follow the house rules and reasonable instructions of BeautyClinic Global An agreement terminates early, at the express request of the client, by the client’s death or by a unilateral decision of BeautyClinic Global when the practitioner involved is of the opinion that there are valid and weighty reasons for this. If the client terminates against the advice of (the concerned practitioner of) BeautyClinic Global, then due to the possible consequences of the early termination for the client, this shall be done at the client’s own risk and on the condition of signing a form discharging BeautyClinic Global and the concerned practitioner(s) and staff from any liability and (after)care. Cancellation, cancellation, termination or dissolution of (part of the performance of) the agreement for any reason shall not affect the client’s obligation to pay the cost of care performed or reserved. Care services that are indivisible will be charged in full.
Unless otherwise agreed, treatment costs will be calculated on the basis of rates or prices unilaterally determined by BeautyClinic Global. All costs reasonably to be incurred by BeautyClinic Global as described in Section 6:96(2)(c) of the Dutch Civil Code shall be borne by the client and shall be determined in accordance with the Besluit Vergoeding Buitengerechtelijke Incassokosten (Extrajudicial Collection Costs Compensation Decree) dated 27 March 2012. If BeautyClinic Global is also compelled to incur costs other than those described in article 6:96 subsection 2 of the Dutch Civil Code, including costs incurred in the context of proceedings in which the client is ruled against, the client is obliged to pay the costs incurred for that purpose in full. Down payments on scheduled treatments/surgeries will not be refunded in full if the scheduled treatment/surgery is cancelled. In all cases the following costs will be charged: Consultation costs €50,- per conducted consultation Administration costs €25,-
BeautyClinic Global is insured against the risk of (professional) liability. The liability of BeautyClinic Global is limited to direct damages and to the amount that is paid out under the liability insurance in the respective case (increased by the amount of the applicable deductible that is not covered by the insurer according to the policy terms), with a maximum equal to the charged or to be charged treatment costs. Compensation for indirect damages, including but not limited to side effects and consequential damages, is excluded at all times. The limitation period for all claims and complaints against BeautyClinic Global is one year, starting from the date of awareness of (a chance of) liability. BeautyClinic Global is not responsible for individuals accompanying clients of BeautyClinic Global.
According to Article 6:89 of the Dutch Civil Code, the client is obliged to inform BeautyClinic Global within a reasonable time after discovering or should have discovered a defect in the cosmetic treatment. The time frame within which the client must inform BeautyClinic Global will be determined based on the disadvantage suffered by BeautyClinic Global due to the passage of time. In case of a valid complaint, BeautyClinic Global has the right to, at its own discretion, rectify the defect in the cosmetic treatment or partially credit the amount owed by the client for the cosmetic treatment. A complaint does not entitle the client to publicly tarnish the reputation of BeautyClinic Global. In case of a violation of this provision, the client will be liable to BeautyClinic Global for a penalty of €100 per statement made, and €100 per day that the violation continues. For the handling of complaints, please refer to the complaints procedure section.
All dossier documents and digital data files relating to the client, including research results, (X-ray) photos, scans, etc., are the property of BeautyClinic Global. BeautyClinic Global keeps the data for at least 5 years in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Upon payment of a reasonable fee, the client may request copies of the data. Dutch law applies to all agreements and cosmetic care provided by BeautyClinic Global. In the event of a legal dispute, only the Dutch court has jurisdiction to hear the case.
BeautyClinic Global is obliged to maintain confidentiality towards third parties who are not involved in the execution of the assignment. This obligation of confidentiality applies to all confidential information provided by the client. The obligation of confidentiality does not apply if there is a legal obligation to disclose certain information. BeautyClinic Global is authorized to use the information obtained for statistical purposes, ensuring that the information cannot be traced back to individual clients.
The client shall provide the consultant/physician/plastic surgeon/therapist, based on their inquiries, with the information and cooperation to the best of their knowledge, which is reasonably necessary for the execution of the treatment agreement. This includes providing identification documents. Each client must be able to identify themselves upon the first request of BeautyClinic Global with a legally recognized identification document. If a client is unable to present such identification upon request, BeautyClinic Global is entitled to suspend the treatment agreement.
For purposes of this paragraph, default means cancellation, cancellation, failure to appear or absenteeism. Failure to cancel a laser, injectables or skin enhancement treatment will result in a charge of 50 percent of the applicable rate. Beautyclinic Global will charge the client a minimum of 50 euros if: – consultation appointments are cancelled 48 hours or less in advance; – treatment appointments are cancelled 2 business days or less in advance; – the client does not appear at the scheduled appointment. Down payments on scheduled treatments cancelled. In all cases, the following fees will be charged:
Consultation fee: €50 per consultation conducted. Administrative fee: €25.
Unless proven otherwise, the administration of BeautyClinic Global serves as full evidence that such an appointment was made.
BeautyClinic Global will execute the treatment agreement to the best of its knowledge and ability, and in accordance with the requirements of good professional practice. BeautyClinic Global has the right to have certain tasks performed by third parties, if and to the extent that it is necessary for the proper execution of the agreement. BeautyClinic Global does not require the client’s permission for this, but will consult with the client regarding this matter.
The cosmetic practitioners have an obligation to make reasonable efforts to perform the treatments to the best of their knowledge and abilities, but they do not guarantee specific results. We cannot provide a guarantee for the results or an uninterrupted course of the treatment. Complications may occur, such as infection, bruising, tissue necrosis, and numbness of the skin. Absolute symmetry cannot be guaranteed. In some cases, it may be necessary to perform additional treatment to achieve a satisfactory end result. These additional treatments may involve additional costs for you as the client.
All treatments performed by medical practitioners fall under medical treatments. The physician/practitioner has an obligation to make reasonable efforts and provide their best expertise and care, but they do not guarantee specific results.
Termination or suspension of the treatment agreement is possible if the client behaves improperly or disrespectfully towards BeautyClinic Global, its employees, or the volunteers and/or fellow clients working there.
Only with the written consent of the client, BeautyClinic Global will make use of the information obtained before, during, and/or after the treatment for (public) purposes.
BeautyClinic Global is not liable for any damage to or loss of the client’s personal belongings. The client is responsible for taking necessary precautions to prevent damage to or loss of their belongings.